Ulster Hospital GWB, Belfast
Mechanical System Commissioning is at an advanced stage as the 7-Storey, 30,000m² Ulster Hospital Generic Ward Block is nearing completion.
The building includes 12No. Inpatient Wards, 288No. Individual Ensuite Bedrooms, 5No. Isolation Rooms, 4No. Day Surgery Theatres, Cardiac Cath Lab, 3No. Endoscopy Procedure Rooms, Pharmacy and links to the existing Critical Care Complex and the future Acute Services Block.
We are in the final throws of flushing LTHW and CHW systems using the MDP [Minimal discharge process] thereby saving time, minimising water consumption and mitigating microbiological risk.
The planned completion of the GWB project in October 2016 with the Trust opening for patients early 2017.
Project Details
Health Estates DHSSPS
Main Contractor
Graham Bam Healthcare Partnership
33 Months